Event Check-In Used to be a Big Hassle

Well, Not Any More!

Introducing EasyTag

EasyTag is a Event Check-In and Badge Printing Application. It simplifies the process of Check-In at the Events and gives real time count of attendees. It saves lot of time and money in printing the badges.

EasyTag avoids long queues at the registration desk by speeding up the process. You can import Event Attendee information from various ticketing platforms or excel sheet and manage on-spot registrations seamlessly. EasyTag works on iPad, Android Tablets and Web Platform.

  • Import Events

    EasyTag allows you to import the events directly from EventBrite or MeraEvents platform. It automatically imports the attendees information and syncs data with the registration platform. EasyTag allows you to import attendee information for the same event from Excel sheet as well.

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  • Easy Checkin

    EasyTag allows you to Check-In attendees on multiple devices simultaneously and avoids the duplicate work. EasyTag allows partial Check-In of attendees.

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  • Tickets Kiosk

    For larger events, EasyTag enables Kiosk mode which would allow attendees to do a self check-in and Badge Printing with their Registration Number.

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  • User 1
    I am definitely going to use it for the Transforming Healthcare with IT Conference every year. - Suresh Kochattil Apollo Hospitals
  • User 2
    As a mobility solution provider when ever I attend events I feel there should be a solution where check-in problem should be solved much elegantly than making people wait in big Qs, when saw EasyTag I just said wow, it's global product developed in Hyderabad and one of the best looking apps from India. - Ravi Korukonda COO [x]cube LABS
  • User 3
    EasyTag is one of the most needed apps for all event organizers. Coming with an easy to use UI, my personal experience using the app has been astounding. Kuddos to the entire team!. - Niranjan Yadhav Founder & Switch Idea
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Versant Online Solutions Pvt. Ltd. H.No. 7-56/19, Prashant Hills, Raidurg, Hyderabad - 500032 Telangana.
Sai Kiran Jakkidi +91 98489 09990 | [email protected]